Thursday, November 15, 2012

Designing Printed and Electronic Documents

The topic discusses design by explaining the key elements such as proximity, alignment, repetition, and contrast. According to this reading a writer needs to through planning including analyzing the purpose of the writing, the audience expectation, topic of discussion/writing, and the context & genre. Planning and organizing the project, is then followed by implementing design; overall impression as whether the design should be fun type or serious, hyping or conservative. Then the overall layout of that employs proximity, alignment, repetition and contrast. The last part of design, format, comes at the end. This part discusses the type, size, and color of font, usage of white space/ grouping of text, and listing items to guide the readers’ eyes to focus on the most important content of the writing. Finally the visuals were discussed in detail as when or what kind of visual to use. It was interesting reading with a good analogy to the ancient Peruvian art that used proximity, alignment, repetition, and contrast in honor of their sun god.


1 comment:

HaydenBrown said...

Was the document a contract though? Many online documents are contracts that state "by typing my name here, I acknowledge this as equal to my written signature". If you did that, then it counts.
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